Members Log-In
Access your Personal Information Online that your Church, Destiny Worship Center, maintains. IE, Names of everyone in your household, address, telephone numbers, email, and contribution statements. (Switch to Classic Interface when in the database and you can see more details as well as email you a contribution statement that totals by giving fund and will show the amount you have pledged for the year. You can also change your username and password to one that you prefer within the Classic interface)
To gain access you must have the following login info:
Your Church Phone: 4692726776
This should be in your email provided by you to the church and will come from Destiny Worship Center as the sender. If you do not show receipt email or call the church at (469)272-6776 and leave a voicemail with details and correct email address.
To gain access you must have the following login info:
Your Church Phone: 4692726776
This should be in your email provided by you to the church and will come from Destiny Worship Center as the sender. If you do not show receipt email or call the church at (469)272-6776 and leave a voicemail with details and correct email address.